Learn Spanish
-With Maite and Carlos- 

About us 

 Hello! Our names are Carlos and Maite and we are from Barcelona. My twin sister Maite and I have deci ded to open a Spanish school. We like traveling; we like languages and we both live in Germany. We had the great idea to open a Spanish school and here we are. We would like to help you learn this language, its culture and its countries. Spanish is spoken as an official language in more than 20 countries. More than 550 million people speak Spanish. We hope to meet you soon!

This Is Us

Carlos Antràs

Carlos Antràs

Hello everyone! I'm Carlos and I'm from Barcelona! How are you? I lived in Barcelona for 16 years. In 1994, after completing my Bachelor's degree in the United States, I came back to Europe to continue my studies in France and Germany. Nowadays I live in Germany and enjoy traveling to other countries, learning their languages and cultures. I lived in Brazil and Switzerland for a short time. Fortunately, I have learned several languages, so it is an enrichment! I can recommend it to anyone! I love our global world, its languages, people and cultures. I would love to meet you personally to help you get to know the Spanish language and culture and most of all I would love to take you on a wonderful journey of the language, the people and their culture.

Maite Antràs

Maite Antràs

Hello, my name is Maite Antras and I am a Spanish teacher by vocation. I am from Barcelona (Spain), but I have been living in Germany for 13 years and teaching Spanish for 12 years. It all started when I arrived in Germany and started teaching Spanish in the same school where I was learning German and I discovered that this was my passion: teaching Spanish. A lot has happened since then. In all these years, I have taught Spanish at different schools and at the same time trained as a teacher because I wanted to offer quality teaching. I am currently doing an official Master's degree as a Spanish teacher at the International University of La Rioja. My goal a year ago was to start a Spanish school with my brother, and here we are!